Gifts for Mom
As a Mom myself I feel like I’ve got a good idea about what Moms want for Mother’s Day. First, I will say I do appreciate the handmade card as well as a macaroni necklace from the kids, but if there was a little something something also thrown in with that card I wouldn’t be mad. Oh and I’d like to volunteer to start a petition that there should be a Mother’s Day once a month- than again the world might come tumbling down if all the moms took a day off once a month. Here are some of my picks for great Mother’s Day gift ideas…
*Reminder: This blog post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something from my links, I might make a little bit of money. All these opinions expressed here are clearly my own however and these are things I wouldn’t suggest to you unless I truly loved the product!
I used to be a stemless wine glass hater, but now that my kids continue to knock over my glass constantly- (okay, maybe it’s me who does that) I have really jumped on the stemless train. This Yeti is perfect for the Mom who might keep getting distracted as well, because come back to your wine in a 30 minutes after it’s poured and it will still be cold.
Jewelry is always a good idea. I love dainty and this necklace is perfect for everyday wear. It’s also under $75!
Practical is sometimes a great gift idea. Leggings hit the mark for practical as well as appreciated. These Lululemon leggings are arguable worth the price and guaranteed to get lots of wear at the gym or just to run to Target.
I’ve been on a big Sauvignon Blanc kick for about a year now and this is by far my favorite. I enjoy all of Rombauer’s wines and I have my in-laws to thank for introducing me to them. The Rombauer Savignon Blanc is perfectly crisp and refreshing. As summer hits it’s a great staple to have in your fridge. It’s a home run gift for Mom this Mother’s Day. Stop by your local liquor store or wine shop and make sure to ask for it or you can order online!
Mom doesn’t have time to do her hair so treat her to a gift card to a blow dry bar. Personal favorite is the Drybar and they’ve got locations all across the US. I would love to have an excuse to get my hair fixed for a few events or really even just for the hell of it.
I know earlier I stressed that practical gifts were sometimes appreciated, but I want you to know that this is another one of those times a practical gift a good idea. I also normally wouldn’t be all that thrilled about suggesting you gift a vacuum to a mom on Mother’s Day, but this vacuum has changed my life. It is fantastic and makes cleaning up so much easier. I can’t stress this enough- I think every Mom needs one of these bad boys.
Okay, this next idea is I think I pretty solid one- a Target shopping spree. I’m not talking just a shopping spree there are some important components to this shopping spree. 1. It must be a solo trip for Mom and 2. There should be no stipulations on what she spends the $ on. So give her a gift card in any denomination- because let’s be real the amount doesn’t matter it’s more the experience. The experience is a SOLO trip to Target where Mom can get whatever she wants. No need to grab diapers, kids’ socks, laundry detergent- Mom gets to pick what she wants. The last important thing I forgot to mention is there should be ZERO time limit added to this trip. Don’t call her and ask when she will be back- just let her stroll through the aisles one by one without any demands, crying kids or pressure to get somewhere else.
This may seem silly, but I think we all know a good pillow makes all the difference. A good pillow is something we all don’t really want to spend money on or even give it much thought. You can’t really give a Mom more sleep (except an attempt at letting her sleep in) so try to help her make the most of the sleep she can get- gift her a great pillow like this Sealy Memory Foam Pillow. Don’t forget a silk pillow case to decrease pillow case crease lines and reduce the wear and tear on Mom’s hair from tossing and turning.
I gave this Barefoot Dreams robe to my Mom for Christmas and she loves it. Barefoot Dreams makes the softest robes as well as blankets, cardigans and much more. If you’ve got a Mom who is a robe user this one is a game changer!
I’m currently wearing these shoes right now! They’re the best. The color is fantastic and I get a lot of compliments on them. You can never have enough tennis shoes and it’s a perfect gift for Mom.
This is my favorite eyeshadow pallet from Beauty Counter and it’s a great choice for Mom because the colors really work well with all skin tones.
Finally this sticker from my shop is perfect to gift to your favorite Mom pals. Grab a couple, a few cards and stuff a couple stickers in there for you Mom friends. We’re all in this together.